Cloud Open Exam - Assess your Cloud Computing Knowledge

The Cloud Open Exam allows you to assess your state of knowledge of Cloud Computing. It is a free self-assessment of Cloud Computing knowledge and can be either used as a learning tool or preparing yourself for any other Cloud Computing exam.

Passing the Cloud Starter Open Exam endorses that you are aware of some of the essentials of Cloud Computing. A consistent high score (75% or above) is an indication that you are aware of many of these essentials. This furthermore may indicate that you are ready to pass one of the certification exams like the Certified Cloud Professional or the Certified Cloud Architect exams.

Exam Details:

Number of questions: 25
Length of online exam: 30 minutes
Passing score:  --
Pricing: FREE

This Assessment is an invaluable tool for anyone preparing to take Exams granting certification. More importantly, it's the starting point on your path to improve your knowledge and skills.

To start the Open Assessment click here.

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