Certified Cloud Professional

A Certified Cloud Professional has a deep business related and essential technical understanding of the Cloud Computing specifics. A Certified Cloud Professional also knows best how to leverage the business by adopting Cloud Computing solutions. Therefore he/she is aware of all advantages, disadvantages and risks of the most popular Cloud Computing Operation and Service Delivery Models. A Certified Cloud Professional furthermore has hands-on experience of the Cloud Computing migration processes.

The confirmation of Cloud Computing Professionalism is reached by passing the Cloud Professional exam. The Cloud Professional exam and the certification resulting from it is the documented evidence of the deep business and essential technical related understanding of their Cloud Computing knowledge and practice.


Exam Details:

Number of questions: 50
Length of online exam: 60 minutes
Passing score: 75%
Pricing: 95,00 US$

The Cloud Professional exam covers:

  • The Business Mandate for Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Computing Strategies
  • Business value of Cloud Computing
  • IT service management and changes on Cloud Computing
  • Risk management and Impact on Cloud Computing

To achieve this Certification, the exam must be completed with a passing grade of 75%. Those that pass the Cloud Professional exam will receive the corresponding industry recognized certification.

Recommended experience working in an organization that uses Cloud Computing technology or Cloud-related IT services is at least 6 months.

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